Jews started WW2: 17 million Germans were killed – 80% were murdered AFTER WW2 (just like SA whites)

[The Jewish scum are forever whining about their stupid mythical 6 million “holocaust”, which never happened. I am glad to

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Brave French Professor, 1st exposer of the Jewish holocaust LIE dies suddenly: PROF. Dr. ROBERT FAURISSON

[I am extremely suspicious of people dying of sudden heart attacks. Admittedly Faurisson was 90. This is one of the

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3 Pics: WW2: US Troops executing German Waffen SS in Dachau!

I stumbled on some photographic evidence of US troops busy killing German Waffen SS. The description of the photo below

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9 Pics: WW2: Raping & Killing White Women & Children: Murder of German & Finnish innocents – 2 million women raped

[The above photo is of dead Finnish victims at the end of WW2. Dennis Wise in the UK is always

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9 EXCELLENT Memes: Judaism, better known as Communism…

[I spotted this really nice little meme on a conservative website. Hidden among all the conservatism was this meme, with

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22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!

[Here are 2 articles that were published on a website, each of which, gives reasons why Adolf Hitler was a

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5 Charts: The Third Reich’s Economic miracle – My Analysis & Comments

[Take note of this: The above quote by General JFC Fuller, an englishman, is correct and accurate. I’ve verified this.

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1935: Cartoons exposing the Jews! – Anti-Semitism is the Truth – THE TRUTH NEVER CHANGES!

[Here are 2 cartoons from The American Gentile copies that I have. These were published in about 1935 & 1936.

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Jews getting Paypal & Stripe to stop money to Gab! – Gab growing at 100,000 people per month!

[We whites are in a WAR for our FREE SPEECH. Here is an email I got from, the only

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A Very Important message from Tom Metzger to modern National Socialists (NAZIs!) – quoting Hitler!

[Tom Metzger has been doing his utmost for whites for decades. We were discussing what happened to the whites at

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