America, The Great Experiment 1776 – 2020: The coming Victimhood & shaming of Whites – My Comments
Video: WW2: The Worst of Germany nearly defeated the BEST of America
In this youll hear Jake, the American saying that the worst of Germany (the old, the young, the prisoners), very nearly defeated the VERY BEST of America!
[I really enjoyed the title and the concept behind this. This was written by Americans. This is the Jewish stranglehold on the whites of America. It's time to rebel and break out. Jan]
Comment GPW: The fantasy left of anti-woke leftists never existed in America. The American Left has always been about identity politics. See the Civil Rights Movement
labor was historically anti-immigration (see Sam Gompers, Cesar Chavez) but even today’s anti-woke left is totally unwilling to touch immigration restrictionism. At most, they’ll say they disagree with "open borders" but oppose all tangible means of doing so.
The single most defining feature of the Trump presidency is the fact that what was an insurgent nationalist campaign in 2016 has been reduced to the kind of generic neoconservatism. Yet basically nobody on the Left even notices this dynamic.
Because of this my prediction
next 4 years will be complete antiwhite with noeocons subverting whites into oppressor category – every past event will be slanted to show white evil and we will be shamed into constant humiliation apologies thru JQ neocon / left anti white tribunals and indoctranated school brainwashing – this allows a solid victimhood power dynamic to hold power forever – the Karpman drama triangle smiles
This is coming to all white countries – – –
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