S.Africa: One dead, one wounded in Richards Bay home invasion


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Video: General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations
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[I don't think the victims in this were white. This seems to have occurred in Natal, and its possible that this happened to Zulus. The story mentioning the skirmish, sounds like blacks stabbing blacks. Jan]

A MAN was stabbed to death and his stepson injured after intruders entered their Arboretum property in the early hours of yesterday (Saturday) morning.

A skirmish ensued during which both victims were stabbed, while one of the attackers is believed to have suffered a head injury after being tackled against a wall.

Neighbours heard shouts for help and alerted their security company, the CPF and police, all of whom soon arrived on scene.

One victim was declared deceased on scene while the other was taken to hospital for treatment.

Source: https://zululandobserver.co.za/236396/one-dead-one-injured-in-richards-bay-home-invasion

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