The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland (1942)

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Books Holocaust Handbooks, v01 Dissecting the Holocaust-The Growing Critique of Truth & Memory (2003)

The blockbuster anthology that struck Holocaust orthodoxy a body blow from which it has never recovered. Dissecting marshals the work

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Books Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg, October 1946 – April, 1949

The subsequent Nuremberg trials were a series of twelve military tribunals for war crimes against members of the leadership of

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Books Essays on Socialist Zionism (1935)

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JEWS HATE THE TRUTH: David Irving’s tours to Holocaust DEATH CAMPS STOPPED! – My comments

A South African buddy of mine went with David Irving on his tour of the so-called DEATH CAMPS … you

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Pic: Meme: EXCELLENT: Thank God we beat the NAZIs in WW2!

[This is the greatest meme about the utter stupidity of WW2 … on the “allied” (read: Jewish) side. So this

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Videos Europa; The Last Battle (2017)

Download Link an excellent documentary series, also been banned on jewtube afew times, if you do wish to check it

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Pic: Eva Hitler, looking young, beautiful & healthy at the Berghof

[This was another photo I spotted in the book. I really like this photo of Eva. She is looking young

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Pic: Hitler looking threadbare, worn, like a regular guy…

[I scanned this photo from a beautiful book my American host had of the Berghof, in German. There were stacks

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Utterly hilarious: WW2: Why Americans fought to beat the NAZIs!!!

[I LMAO so much at this WW2 meme. This is utterly brilliant. I laugh a lot at things that whites

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