16 Pics: 6 September 1966: 52 Years ago today Jewish Communist assassin stabbed Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to death in parliament!

Today, let’s give a moment’s silence to Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, the finest leader in 342 years of white rule in

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American Report on Dachau Concentration Camp


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The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland (1942)


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Video: The Lies & Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt (2017)

May 4, 2017, U.S.-American professor of Jewish history and Holocaust studies Deborah Lipstadt will lecture at 7pm at the McCormick

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Video: The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth

Mp4 Link

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EXCELLENT! RAHOWA! Tom Metzger ATTACKS: Worse is Better: DESTROY THE JEWISH EMPIRE – Andrew Anglin’s bad propaganda

[I was extremely pleased when a friend of mine found this piece of brilliance coming from an old warrior whose

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Jan in Canada: With Paul Fromm: The Fash Bash & Boere Legion & AWB & USAF & Germans!

The above photo is of Paul and myself in Vancouver, Canada on 11 May 2019. When I went to the

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Pic: Meme: EXCELLENT: Thank God we beat the NAZIs in WW2!

[This is the greatest meme about the utter stupidity of WW2 … on the “allied” (read: Jewish) side. So this

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Important: Jews trying to destroy Fash Bash Organiser Jovi Val in US Court with “Holocaust Denial” charge!

[I just got this note from Jovi Val who was the “face” of very fun, and awesome Fash Bash we

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The assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd – The Jews, John Vorster & the Rupert Family

One of my readers wrote this: On 20 August 2018:- Hi Jan. Just over a week before his death, Aida

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