16 Pics: 6 September 1966: 52 Years ago today Jewish Communist assassin stabbed Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to death in parliament!

Today, let’s give a moment’s silence to Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, the finest leader in 342 years of white rule in

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S.Africa: (Jew?) Aida Parker’s article 9 days before Dr Verwoerd was assassinated by a commie…

NB: Verwoerd made a brilliant move that kept South Africa under white rule for about another 20-30 years. He got

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Do dead high ranking Jewish Paedophiles go to Israel? – Epstein & Lord Janner – JFK & Verwoerd Jewish weirdness

[The above photo is of the British Jew Lord Janner whose death made me extremely suspicious a few years ago.

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Alex Linder: South Africa: Where Apes Rule Men – Trump Takes Note of Farm Thefts

[A Reader recently asked what happened to this post because he could not find it. This was originally posted on

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S.Africa: Prophet Siener Van Rensburg: Next correct date for extermination of Whites … (Suidlanders? Simon Roche?)

I was talking to a Christian recently about the next correct/accurate date for the extermination of all the whites by

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VERY URGENT: HistoryReviewed SUSPENDED – Getting the Daily Stormer treatment…

[This is an urgent notice. I just received an email from the registrar of my domain that my domain has

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S.Africa: Non-Whites are VERY SCREWED UP: Coloured nurse makes a woman eat dog faeces & other crazy stuff…

These non-whites in Africa are VERY FUCKED UP PEOPLE. Jews and Liberalism only unleashed a lot more of their madness.

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Melbourne, Australia is getting bad; like the White Farmers in South Africa..

[While going through messages on my website, I got this from an Australian. There are leftists in every white nation

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South Africa’s main airline: South African Airways goes bankrupt for the 2nd time in 10 years!

I published this insane story of South African collapse, along with my comments on AfricanCrisis: http://africancrisis.info/?p=6267

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EXCELLENT! RAHOWA! Tom Metzger ATTACKS: Worse is Better: DESTROY THE JEWISH EMPIRE – Andrew Anglin’s bad propaganda

[I was extremely pleased when a friend of mine found this piece of brilliance coming from an old warrior whose

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