Video & Audio: Rockwell: ALL Whites EVERYWHERE need Political Armies – Waging Political Warfare


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Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: WW2s Biggest Tank Battle they never talk about
This was one of my 3 viral videos on Youtube before they quickly killed it. The original video was made in 2016. Look in every history reference book for the biggest Tank Battle that was ever fought and youll find they talk about the Battle of Kursk (or the Kursk Campaign). Heres the greatest tank battle in all of history and the fantastic Wehrmacht won it with ease, even when they faced tanks so new and so advanced that they had never seen these types of tanks before and even when their shells just bounced off the Soviet armour!

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

The awesome White American man, George Lincoln Rockwell, came up with the idea that Whites needed a “Balanced Political Army”. In this video I chat to Robert, an American guy I know in the movement and we discuss Rockwell as well as his ideas and what it means.

Our (((enemies))) use endless amounts of dirty tricks to destroy our politics and our movements, and we need to find ways to fight back.

There is no doubt that Whites need many non-violent methods of fighting back against the (((anti-White))) scum who are trying to control and break White politics. The White Right is merely a general reflection of what common White people genuinely desire.

This was recorded on: 2022-09-01.

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Video: The Two Emperors of the White Race
Napoleon & Hitler: Why did they succeed? I analyse & give the background to the ONLY 2 white men who united most of Europe & ruled most whites in the last 200 years.

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