FANTASTIC NEWS: WW3: Antisemitism (20%) is alive & well in 7 European countries – Jews to tell more Holocaust lies!!

[There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the whites of Europe are perceiving the hand of

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2 Memes: Africa is so rich it has rivers of Chocolate – Blacks see Poverty; Whites see POTENTIAL!

I saw one of these memes on the social media. I laughed. Now let me tell you some things about

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Suidlanders: Gustav Muller’s bank accounts in Mauritius…

Earlier this week Catherine Grenfell was contacting me about information that I published earlier this year which came from Americans

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Suidlanders: Does Simon Roche have 2 passports?

One of my contacts told me recently that in a video that Simon Roche did with Brian Ruhe in 2016,

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A Very Important Mussolini Quote about Jews in America…

[Even though Mussolini was friendly to Jews and 30% of the Fascist party were Jews. I did find a quote

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WW2: Did Jews cause Mussolini’s silly moves which caused the fall of Germany?

I just want to quickly point people in a certain direction, because I think there is an untold story about

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Pic: Hitler: The world’s most popular politician: 99% of Austrians voted for him – Incredible crowds…

[Dennis Wise put out this photo of a rally Hitler had where 200,000 Austrians cheered him and came to listen.

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Pic: 3 Jewish(?) Assassins who killed very important White men!

[These 3 men below are famous assassins. I have a friend who thinks that all 3 of them are actually

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Statistics: Africa lives in Chicago: 75% of Murdered Are Black, 71% of Murderers Are Black – My Comments

[This is a rerun of South Africa and Africa and what we whites have learned here. This is the NORM

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From Russia: US Conservative Jew says: Mainstream Holocaust Narrative Substantially, if not Entirely, False

[The owner of this “top US Conservative site” quoted by the Russians, is Ron Unz. This Russian article is dated: Sep

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