Pic: 3 Jewish(?) Assassins who killed very important White men!


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Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.

[These 3 men below are famous assassins. I have a friend who thinks that all 3 of them are actually JEWISH. I don’t have an opinion on the matter. But these 3 assassins each played a famous role.

They are, from Left to Right:
o John Wilkes Booth
o Raoul Villain
o Gavrilo Princip

We know that Booth murdered Lincoln. Interestingly, I’ve come across info that there was a high ranking Jew on the Confederate side, and this Jew had an encryption machine that he used to send instructions to Booth with! So Booth was definitely getting ORDERS FROM A JEW. Whether Booth himself was a Jew I don’t know. My friend believes he was.

The other 2 assassins were unknown to me, but the stories behind each is really interesting:-

Villain was born in Reims, Marne, France on September 19, 1885. As a 29-year-old student in archeology at the École du Louvre, he was a member of the Ligue des jeunes amis de l’Alsace-Lorraine (“League of Young Friends of Alsace-Lorraine”), a nationalist student group.[1]

After France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine were annexed by Germany. This was a source of anger and resentment in France, causing many to feel that a new war with Germany was in order to recover both territories and French pride. Therefore, many like Villain were opposed to the pacifist policies of Jean Jaurès. Villain lived for some time in England, at Loughton, where he stayed with Mrs Annie Francis, who described him, according to The Observer on 6 June 1915, as “a gentle and very kind man”.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raoul_Villain

The key thing about Villain is that he killed a French politician who did NOT want war with Germany! By killing him, Villain helped to push France into war with Germany (WW1). (My friend believes that Villain is a Jew).

But it gets more interesting: Gavrilo Princip, is the guy who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This is the key assassination that is credited with kicking off the diplomatic ruckus that led to WW1! My friend believes this guy was a Jew too.

I can’t find any evidence that any of the 3 were Jews themselves.

But I do find the 2 assassins, Villain and Princip fascinating because they were instrumental in helping to set the scene for the mass slaughter of whites against whites, which we know as WW1! It is interesting that Villain helped to stop a French Politician who did NOT want war with Germany!

How Jews play us whites against each other is a fascinating topic and one that deserves as detailed study as possible. I am fascinated by the MECHANISMS that Jews use to completely derail whites and which throw white/western nations at each other. This is a critical topic that deserves a lot of study. Jan]

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S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
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