Whites who are angry with the other White Sheeple – Note from angry South African man…

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22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!
Jews have been lying to you all your life about Adolf Hitler. He was the good guy. Here are the truths about Hitler you were never told.

One of my South African supporters, sent me these sentences in part:

"Thanks for your continued effort to warn the sleepy idiots in this country.

Have a nice one."

He's not the only irritated one. I come across a lot of Americans who are angry
with the other sheeple. 

My own view is that we cannot throw our hands up in the air and cry defeat. 
We must do everything we can to get through to our race. 
In the end it will work. Napoleon and Hitler based their power on the common
people and trusting in them to doing the right thing. 

I also think that the Jewish system is such that it has a LOT of experience at
keeping people asleep. And the last thing the super rich and Jewish scum and 
assorted filth want is to see WHITES WAKING UP. THEY DO ALL THEY CAN TO STOP 

All of us must do our best to wake up all Whites.

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