Every Single 9/11 Co-Conspirator Has endorsed Joe Biden

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S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.

[Some interesting stuff. The American elite is insane and Jew infested. Jan]


HEARTWARMING: in a shocking rebuke to Trump, every single 9/11 co-conspirator has endorsed Joe Biden – O M


Replying to @RudyHavenstein

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Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!
This is the story of how Napoleon tried to solve the Jewish problem in Europe nicely. He got all the Jews together. Then the Jews proceeded to lie to him and he realised it!

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