Video: The Jewish Paedophile Epstein: Where are they now? The biggest players in the Jeffrey Epstein case

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The Boer State Party
From Jan: This is the ONLY political party in South Africa that I will support. I have met their leader and know their history. *ALL* other Political Parties in SA are a total waste of time for Whites. This political party cares about Whites. They say: We fight for our People‘s Freedom and Safe continued existence in the new South Africa!

[All things related to Jews are creepy and I'm convinced that there are LOTS of things going on, behind the scenes where all the high level Jew scum and Elite filth and degenerates are protected and hidden from the RIGHTEOUS WRATH of the White public. Jan]

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Video: How the Church betrayed the Boers and is directly responsible for the White Genocide
This is an absolutely brilliant video that was made in 2017. The Boers were TOTAL believers in the Bible and in Christianity. It had kept them going through the hardships of life in Africa.

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