Video: Short Video: Alex Jones Dances with Jews – My Comments


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Get a Free PDF Book: My Lewe en Strewe (My Life and Endeavors)
This is a fabulous book by a Boer who fought in the 2nd Anglo Boer war and later he became a NAZI! Manie Maritz became a Nazi sympathiser and was known as an outspoken proponent of Hitler‘s Third Reich. In this book he also discusses the Jews.

[Alex Jones has always disgusted me, ever since I first heard of him in 2013. This is a short video he apparently published on his channel. I'm not sure if it's still up there, but it is hidden away here on another hidden video channel run by French people. Jan]

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S.Africa: Black man has sex with his 3yo Granddaughter
The Black guy said that this was cheaper than paying a prostitute! WTF? Read it for yourself!

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