USA: Black Terrorist War on Cops… Ambushing Cops to kill them…
Video & Audio: The GREATEST Secret of all: NAZI Economics
I have concluded that the most important secret of all, of National Socialism (aka NAZISM), lies in the economic system that Hitler had. But what exactly was this system, and how did it function?
I saw a note from one of my American friends wherein she was pointing out that 2020 was the deadliest year for the cops in America.
But what was really fascinating was that Blacks apparently phone the cops, calling them for some fake emergency … and then they AMBUSH THE COPS TO KILL THEM!!!!
This sounds like communist terrorism in action. But in the USA.
I’d be interested in more of these stories. The deliberate targetting and murder of Police … that Sounds very Jewish Communist Terrorist style.
BLM and ANTIFA are evil organisations. They should be declared terrorist organisations and rounded up. But the USA is always too SOFT on real nasty things and so in time, worse things will come from this.
I’m very sad about the Cops because I’m sure they’re specifically targeting White cops … I would guess.
Video: BEFORE HITLER: JEWS turned Germany (Weimar) into a HELL of Prostitution, Drugs, Trans
Everything you see in America today was done after WW1, and long before Hitler and the NAZIS arose. The same degeneracy took place and Jews destroyed society and turned White women into street prostitutes.