JEWS MADE THE WORLD CRAZY: Teacher Freaks Out After Student Asks How Her Classmate Could Possibly Identify as a Cat: Report
22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!
Jews have been lying to you all your life about Adolf Hitler. He was the good guy. Here are the truths about Hitler you were never told.
[All this insane crap is due to Jews and their transgender and multi-gender Judaism crap. Look at how crazy things are. Jan]
A 13 year-old girl and her friend just received a “life education” lesson that has surely woken the two up for good and left plenty of parents ready to pounce. The incident took place at Rye College in East Sussex, where cats are welcome just as much as girls and boys. And if you claim to be any mixture of the three, who’s to question that?
No one, according to one teacher at this Church of England school who called a student “despicable” when she refused to accept “cat” as a legitimate gender, The Telegraph reported. How did the topic come up? The same way it always does, at least in 2023 anyway. A fellow student claimed to be a cat, and the teacher applauded the wokeness of such unprecedented self-awareness.
When not everyone agreed, the Year 8 “life education” class took part in a new style of education, the kind that strong arms students into their senses. Al Capone is no longer merely a figure to learn about for students but to “learn from’”when it comes to coping with many of today’s teachers.
The Telegraph reported that when the young girl and friends refused to acquiesce to their teacher’s demands to accept that gender has nothing to do with whether you were born a boy or girl but rather, how you identify, the teacher launched into a tongue thrashing. Certainly bullying and shaming young minds into changing their minds always works, doesn’t it? That certainly seems to be the case and modus operandi among a good many schools and teachers today, resulting in parents who are no longer blindly handing over their trust or the reins to their kids, and their children are following suit. Simply read the student-teacher exchange, provided by the New York Post, below to gain full insight into the methods being used to alter reality, commandeer minds, and build a collective of brain dead robots with nary a thought of their own.
“How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?” one student asked another.
“How dare you, you’ve just really upset someone” by “questioning their identity,” responded the teacher, according to The Telegraph.
The student replied: “If they want to identify as a cat or something then they are genuinely unwell — crazy.”
“Gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with, gender is how you identify, which is what I said right from the very beginning of the lesson,” the teacher continued. “There is actually three biological sexes … [and] lots of genders — there is transgender, there is a gender who are people who don’t believe that they have a gender at all.”
The teacher then suggested that the girls were homophobic or confused — claims they quickly denied.
The students disagreed, telling the teacher, “If you have a vagina, you’re a girl, and if you have a penis, you’re a boy.”
“You are talking about the fact that cisgender is the norm, that you identify with the sexual organ you were born with. That’s basically what you’re saying, which is really despicable.”
The teacher then suggested that the girls were homophobic or confused – claims they quickly denied.
“If you don’t like it, you need to go to a different school,” the teacher replied, adding that she was going to report the students.
Teachers are losing credibility as a result of these types of ludicrous conversations grounded in nothing but wokeness, which is designed to react like a roomful of Dominoes among students. The unfortunate part of this, however, is that the really good teachers are suffering at the hands of the really bad ones, too — the agenda-driven woke ones. The entire system is collapsing, and still those at the heart of this have yet to wake up. What a sad state of affairs we are witnessing.
School used to be a place for ideas and individuals. Now it is a place for regurgitation and clones; intelligence, intellect, and indoctrination are becoming completely interchangeable. You are as independent as you are allowed to be.
Ironically, the same school whose representative insists that they are committed to offering an inclusive education is the same one who pointed out these brave students unfitness to attend Rye College further, according to the New York Post. We may be talking “cats and gender” but there is nothing finicky about “mainstream group think.” You either agree or claws out.
The old adage, “If you say something enough times, it becomes the truth,” seems to sit at the center of the anti-scientific, gender ideology running amuck. But not everyone is trading common sense for pre-programmed thinking. With conversation reverting back to homes and parents who believe that the role genitalia plays in defining a person’s gender is absolute, kids are standing up.
The consequence of their actions? Homophobic attacks discrediting them among their peers. That’s exactly what we send our tots off to experience when we pack up their lunchboxes for the first time, kiss their tiny little heads, and hold our own tears back, so that they might do so, too. Oh, the disillusionment we, parents, all feel.
That is the reason we must stay involved, now more than ever. We’ve seen what can happen when we mistakenly agree to turn a blind’s eye for convenience-sake. Our enchantment with education has become our children’s unraveling. So goes our society and the downfall of the very foundation our nation’s future rests upon.
We, parents, need to hold teachers and schools accountable for harmful, left-leaning brainwashing. This includes removing those who attempt to push their own personal beliefs, as well as party agendas, onto students. Time is no longer our friend in this regard. We are out of it.
In addition, we need to redefine the teacher-student relationship into something that resembles professionalism. Not only do teachers no longer understand what they are supposed to teach but also who they are supposed to be in their students’ educational pursuits and lives. They seem to be coveting every role but the one they are actually supposed to do.
This includes getting rid of any safeguards that keep them in their employment even when it isn’t deserved. No teacher warrants a second chance when they call a child “despicable,” homophobic or any other derogatory name. If the shoe was on the other foot, the child would undoubtedly suffer consequences. Shouldn’t there be equity in that?
The fact that our nation has gone so overboard with saving feelings that reality has become adversarial in the classroom speaks volumes. When a child identifies as a cat, that is called a mental health crisis. You contact a psychiatrist to help, as well as the parents. You don’t run to the cafeteria to return with a bowl of milk and a can of tuna fish, then demonize the students who call out the obvious. Who actually is the one having the mental health crisis in this case?
Where credentials and training would have come into question in my day, quite the opposite is occurring now. Which means, guard your children vigilantly, parents. For every one child that interrupts the forced narrative, there are others who like the idea of scratching posts in the corners, bells dangling handsomely around their necks with an unlimited amount of catnip available so long as they continue to behave agreeably. Moving the left one step closer to pulling off the purr-fect coup.
Boer Cartoon: When you give some people a brick
The guy who does these cartoons is a Boer. This says it all.