The assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd – The Jews, John Vorster & the Rupert Family


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Zimbabwe: Cops hunting for a Black man who had sex with his neighbours Donkey!
If you think we whites have problems, you have no idea what the blacks get up to. Some years ago I came across stories of blacks in Soweto, South Africa having sex with dogs. In this story, Police in Zimbabwe are looking for a Gutu man who was caught having sex with his neighbour‘s donkey.

One of my readers wrote this: On 20 August 2018:-
Hi Jan.
Just over a week before his death, Aida Parker is writing that the Nats in the Cape are backing the super-rich Rupert and that “Verwoerd must go”. She says: “Dr Verwoerd himself is the main target”.

Dr. Verwoerd was murdered by John Voster and Lang Hendrik v d Berg chief of Boss. Rupert offers Voster the premiership. Tsafendas was only the tool they use.

Jan’s comments:

[I enjoyed this reply re the mysterious Aida Parker whom I knew personally. She took an intense dislike to me quickly. I had been a subscriber to her newsletter for long. I met her in person once at her house. I agree with all the above except the part that Vorster and VD Berg (head of BOSS), were the murderers. The real murderer was a Jew who was a member of the ANC’s MK (armed wing). He was behind both attempts to kill Verwoerd. I do think that the Ruperts hated Verwoerd. I think there was an intense hatred of Verwoerd by the super-rich, Jew-ridden filth in South Africa, and I think I’ve come across mention of the Ruperts in this regard before.

NB: In the main image the reference to “the Cape Nats” is a reference to the National Party – the party which was behind Apartheid. Originally, the Nats had been been anti-semitic too. They were even called “Malan’s NAZIs” at the time of their first electoral victory in 1948. A communist even likened them to the Third Reich by writing a book: “The Rise of the South African Reich”. 

But as with the murder of Rockwell in the USA, the real killers were Jews. I have more to say on this matter later.



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Video: STOP FARM MURDERS!!! Black Politicians are directly responsible for Farm Murders!
This is a short video I did which quickly gives you some background into farm murders and why I, and others say that Farm Murders are caused directly by black politicians. Here are many facts about Farm Murders in South Africa that you dont know!

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