Jews are the MIND POISON – It’s KILLING White Americans and White Europeans

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Video: How America built UFOs
This video is about military secrecy. We study a documentary from 2011 when a lot of Area 51 information was declassified and when some people, including a high level CIA official were allowed to speak.I discuss my time when I was young when I was in the South African Navy and I handled Secret and Top Secret files and how these things work in real life.

[An American on social media sent around a photo of some wild stuff Americans once did in the enormous forests of the West. I went and looked at some of the amazing things Whites did in the 1850s in the West. Jan]

I then wrote this to the guy:
You’ve shown me something I’ve never imagined. It’s awesome. I did a bit more digging. It’s amazing. You White Americans are not descended from pussies! You’re pioneers. Now you’re afraid of your shadows because Jews have seeped into your society and brought their darkness and filth into your land. You people are more than capable of taking everything back. It’s just that Jews are sitting in your society, hiding at all levels and waging a secret war on you – like Jews do in all societies. Your ancestors were awesome. Now Jews have got you feeling bad about having killed Red Indians and enslaving niggers. If the Romans and Greeks or ancient Germans and Gauls had to know what you went on to do in North America they’d have given you a huge THUMBS UP!!! Wait until I put out my next 2 God’s of War videos where we’ll chat about the Romans. Forget all this Jew crap and "morality" from Jews, etc. They’re just feeding your minds with POISON and that POISON in your head is killing you America, the Canadians, all of Europe, etc. I say: Bring back CONQUEST, bring back SLAVERY – YEAH!!! – Bring back TORTURE!!!! e.g. Traitors (real traitors), should be tortured to death or eaten by lions and we all cheer as they scream their last screams!!! Jews and Liberals are KILLING YOUR SPIRITS, your life, your hope, etc. That’s the real problem. The problem is NOT Whites.

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Video: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africas Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.

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