Did the CIA send Liberals to “disrupt” communist movements? – Does the CIA “disrupt” the White Right?

[Here is an interesting excerpt that someone else did based on The Pied Piper, written by Dr Cummings about the

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CIA Documents: Eleanor Roosevelt & Jew Allard Lowenstein were invited to the Soviet Union in 1955

[While doing research on a new video that will be coming out shortly. I found these fascinating items that had

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New evidence of Viking life in America?

[I think whites have traveled this planet more extensively than we believe and they did it in ancient times. But

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Very Important: 6 million Jews were killed by NAZIS with Insecticide?? Zyklon B – 3 Corpse photos

[I found an image someone posted about Zyklon B. The Jews always talk about how they were killed by Zyklon

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1992: Polish Commission removed 3 million deaths from Auschwitz! – No, 6 million Jews were NOT KILLED!

[A number of people, including myself have wondered how it was that the number of Jews killed as Auschwitz was

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VERY IMPORTANT: Half of Israel’s infrastructure comes DIRECTLY FROM GERMANY!

[I found this info graphic on a page where the historian Marc Weber was writing about the lies about Auschwitz.

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Jewish Holocaust Lies 101: From a Christian: 6 million Jewish Communists were NOT killed by the NAZIS!

[For those of you who know nothing about the incredible Jewish lies known as the holocaust of the Jews by

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The Truth from the Late Great George Lincoln Rockwell about Jewish Communism!

[A true hero of our race and one of the finest white men to come out of the USA! Here

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Holocaust: How Jews lie with Maths & Statistics – 6 Million Dead Jews?

[Here is an interesting example of Jewish lying using maths. I came across this comparison of 2 different Jewish “authorities”

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1944: Jew-controlled Churchill wanted to exterminate Germans with Chemical & Biological weapons!

In this month when we remember the terrible events in Dresden in WW2. I thought I would point out some

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