Canada: Proof that Liberalism is a LIE … everything they said of NAZIS and Whites… Hitler and Mussolini

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The heavy handed manner in which the Canadian Government has sent in the cops to smash the Whites and to physically throw them out, should show you clearly that a "Liberal" like Trudeau is actually no different to when Whites fight back in any system.

They lie and pervert the actions of White Conservatives or Racialists when they are in charge and they are defending themselves. If you look at the history of Hitler and Mussolini you will see they were doing nothing evil. They were just defending their societies from Communists (mostly Communist Jews actually). The "GESTAPO" did not come to hunt everyone down. They were sent to go after proven enemies of the state. And Hitler CORRECTLY, targeted SECRET SOCIETIES who were working for the downfall of the Germans.

With regard to Apartheid South Africa and to Rhodesia, it was just the same thing. Whites defending violence and outright terrorism in fact.

But Trudeau is really showing how INTOLERANT he is. He’s a totally intolerant bag of shit compared to say Hitler, or Apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia. In the case of Hitler or the South Africans, they had to deal with BOMBINGS, ASSASSINATIONS, etc … and only then did they have to be heavy handed.

Here is Trudeau using the cops against PEACEFUL Whites who did not break any law and did not damage any property.

PLUS, look back at his time with BLM and how he grovelled to them!!!

Forget about the stereotypes and lies the Jews invented regarding Hitler, Mussolini and the Whites in Africa. It’s all crap. They were all patient and only used the Police force after people had been KILLED.

In Canada no such thing happened. Everything was peaceful and good.

Trudeau under Canada is MORE INTOLERANT than Hitler’s Germany or Apartheid South Africa!

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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.

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