About Canadian Law and Leslie Bory in jail without a trial – Whites MUST work as GROUPS
2 Photos: 1892: When White Americans burned a Black man to death for raping a White woman!
White men in the USA used to take no shit. This is what they did to a black who raped a white woman. Whites have a tough, harsh justice system.
[A supporter wrote this to me about Leslie Bory. Jan]
He wrote:
No Jan, after reading the article, he definitely is still waiting for a preliminary date, just to schedule a hearing. Like you said, ( paraphrase), once they get their greazy claws on you, you’re in the belly of the beast. You’re screwed. He said all the right things but maybe he shouldn’t have said what he said in a public forum, ie; the internet. He remains a hero and has the admiration of many. o/ Leslie Bory
I replied:
The real problem for all Whites everywhere on the White Right, is when the damned LAW can get a hold of you. Then you’re screwed. You’re going to do jail time. I tell you, I learned so much about the law from my own experiences. I even read an entire law book by a top American legal professor. I had LOTS and LOTS of hours of legal discussions with my lawyer as well as other lawyers and advocates. So now I know how the system works. They all work much the same. In fact, we in SA operate on a British inherited system, so Canada and South Africa are VERY SIMILAR. But it doesn’t matter which country you are in. All that matters is the LAW as well as Jewish power. Once the system has you, YOU ARE AT IT’S MERCY. You will be forced to work according to the rules and there’s nothing you can do. If you are in public, like Lesie was, you have to be very careful of HOW YOU SAY THINGS. I had hours and hours worth of discussions with my lawyer and he also sent me court cases from the past and legal outcomes. I learned a LOT. It was well worth it. Anyone who functions in public must get some basic knowledge of the LAWS that apply to free speech. Of course, there’s no such thing as true free speech. Once you have SAID something or WRITTEN something – now it is ON THE RECORD. You can’t UNSAY it. It’s too late. It’s very important that you KNOW THE LAW. Once you understand "legal thinking" and how Judges and Lawyers think – then you’ll know what to be careful of. It is a nightmare I tell you. But you need to understand how a court works and what constitutes proof and also what those laws MEAN. There’s so much censorship nowadays because of Jews, Liberals and communists (in our case in SA Black Communists make the laws). It does not matter if what you say is TRUE. What matters is whether it violates one or other laws. Some things can violate more than one law. When the Jews came after me, they used DIFFERENT LAWS to try to nail me. So they’d try to nail me with this law here, and then try to nail me with another law that works differently. It was hectic. In Leslie’s case and most other cases, they’ll be nailed with just one law. But if the PROOF is there – in this case a video – then you’ve really got a hard time. Now you need to try to argue in different ways. This is a whole freaking science by itself. If you are in the public these days, understand which LAWS can affect you. You MUST take cognisance of the laws of your country. IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE! You can’t say: I didn’t know. I can tell you that whatever happens to Leslie, it will be based on a FEW WORDS. Even just one sentence will be critical. What I’m trying to explain to Whites, is DON’T BREAK THE LAW. You can do MANY things that are valuable and worthwhile. DO THEM. Breaking the law can be heroic, and some people have done amazing stuff. And they are heroes to the cause. But, I would much rather that most of those people still be active in public rather than in a jail cell. Keep watching my videos. Because this is why I speak about political angles – like we in SA must aim for SECESSION. Secession will open the door to very wild things. And then everyone will have to do wild stuff. But then we do it as a GROUP. And all of you must be working as a GROUP to get the GROUP ACTION going in your country. When there are enough people doing stuff, then you can up the ante. You can get wilder. e.g. Protests, or starting political parties or boycotting something. Ultimately we all need to go much wilder. But if you do it ALONE – they’ll just nab you and jail you. You can get WILDER when there are more people involved. e.g. Protests. We must get the GROUP ACTION GOING. We’re very capable of it. Whites in America and Europe have the ability to TEAR EVERYTHING DOWN. BUT YOU NEED THE NUMBERS. Focus on education, education, education. Once enough Whites understand, we’ll have lift off. We can beat everyone. But just work at it and be patient. Endless amounts of work is needed. Then one day, this White Rocket will lift off like crazy.
2005: Black Failure: S.Africa: Half of SA pupils do not reach matric
Under Black rule: About half of all South African children drop out of school before they reach Grade 12. The vast majority of these are Black kids.