Video: Julius Caesar: The most bad-assed white man who ever lived

Napoleon said that it all boils down to character! And there’s no better example of this than Julius Caesar as

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Video: WRH001: The Ancient History of the White Race – Introduction

In this video I give some background to the ancient history of our race and the videos I’ll be doing

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35,000 Years ago: All Europeans are related to people who lived in Belgium!

[Here’s a fascinating discovery. It shows trends that took place over tens of thousands of years! I have also come

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Jews, Jews everywhere! – 3 Famous past Pop Singers are Jewish! – Barry Manilow, Lesley Gore, Helen Reddy!

[Every now and then when I listen to some music I check to see if the singer is Jewish. It

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USA: Statistics show: Whites being driven out of Universities; total Jewish control!

[On Twitter Cursedsalad does excellent work. Take a look at these statistics he published today which show that Whites are

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From Gab: Andrew Torba: Video is EXPENSIVE & a Complicated Technical Challenge!

[Here it is out of the mouth of Andrew Torba the owner of Gab, that video is very expensive and

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Pic: The best explanation of Feminism EVER! – Pure nonsense!

[This explanation in this meme of how white women were fooled by a totally bogus “argument” is brilliant and dead

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Jewish bitch stabs Whites in their backs & speaks about White Privilege…

[The Jews are filth … and that’s putting it mildly. Look at how these scum pretend they are white when

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S.Africa: Black Bank Directors stole $109 million! (R1.5 billion)

[So the cool part about being high ranking in a bank in South Africa is how much money you can

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New colossal dinosaur size of DOUBLE DECKER bus discovered – 30 million years older than expected!

[It is astounding how the boundaries of science are being pushed back and we are seeing older dinosaurs which show

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