Pic: The best explanation of Feminism EVER! – Pure nonsense!


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Naked Communist (1958)
This is a classic book. Cleon Skousen worked for the FBI. At a point in his life he began following the trail of communism in America. To his utter horror, he discovered that it led to businessmen and the wealthy.

[This explanation in this meme of how white women were fooled by a totally bogus “argument” is brilliant and dead on the money. Isn’t this the total truth? Yet, for decades white women have been made to feel bad for no reason at all. This is Jewish propaganda at work. Its based on various forms of sophistry (apparently valid arguments that are in fact invalid). A white woman is “free” when she’s slaving away for a boss. But if she does anything in support of her husband and family, then she’s a “slave”. Utter garbage!

Everything that’s been aimed at whites for decades is pure Jewish nonsense and nothing more … utterly bogus arguments that have no meaning. Often they are twisted and malicious and intended to harm the relations between whites. In this case, to harm relations between white men and women, and the big losers are our race because we don’t produce children! Jan]

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Black Monday in 2017! The Biggest White protest about Farm Murders
128 Photos: The Day of White anger over Farm Murders! STOP KILLING OUR WHITE FARMERS!!! This was the biggest White protest in the history of South Africa. You‘ll be blown away by what Whites did that day!

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