Russia: Putin and his friends the Jews: Putin sends message to Russian Jews


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The president has extended his best wishes for the Passover holiday
Putin sends message to Russian Jews
Russian President Vladimir Putin © Sputnik / Sofya Sandurskaya
President Vladimir Putin has given his best wishes to Russia’s Jews for the Passover holiday, underscoring the community’s importance in fostering “interethnic and interreligious” dialogue. The president’s letter was published on the Kremlin website on Monday.

Passover is a major Jewish holiday that commemorates the liberation and exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. This year, Passover begins at sundown on April 22 and ends on April 30.

“This ancient holiday, particularly revered by followers of Judaism, serves as a reminder of significant milestones in the history of the Jewish people – liberation from centuries of slavery and the long-awaited attainment of freedom. It symbolizes the triumph of the ideals of goodness and justice,” the message reads.

The president further said that the Jewish community in Russia plays an “important role in fostering interethnic and interreligious dialogue, actively engages in nurturing the younger generation, educational activities, philanthropy, and charity, and prioritizes the preservation of sacred spiritual, moral and family values.”

“Such remarkable and essential work is worthy of the deepest recognition,” Putin underlined.

According to the Jewish Agency for Israel, the largest Jewish non-profit in the world, there were 150,000 Jews living in Russia in 2021. At the time, the country ranked seventh in the world in terms of the size of its Jewish community.


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