Map: Apartheid South Africa’s invasion of Angola in 1975 – Operation Savannah – Fighting the Cubans

[In 1975, the South African Army invaded Angola in support of Unita. This was the first time the South African

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The Boers of Argentina: Did they find Argentina’s oil?

[I have heard of the Boers who were so furious at the end of the 2nd Anglo Boer war that

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Jewish communism & economic war in Argentina: The Weird Kirchners who ruled Argentina – loved by the Jews!

[One of my American supporters has some good contacts in South America and he saw my recent articles about the

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How to view the NASA Apollo landing sites on the Moon… proof that White men made it to the Moon!

[NB: The best link where you can see actual close-ups of the Moon landing sites, and the tracks of the

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EXTREME WHITE MEN: Similarities between Neil Armstrong & the Waffen SS Nazi Tank Ace Michael Wittman! – NASA Mood Landing Hoax?

Here are two incredible white men. Michael Wittman, the NAZI Tank ace and Neil Armstrong, the astronaut. Of course, we

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Why is Jew-infested Argentina in financial meltdown? Central Bank interest 60%

[When I was doing videos about the Pope being a crypto-Jew, I discovered that Argentina has a MASSIVE JEWISH INFESTATION.

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American Christians too afraid to defend their race attack Dr Peter Hammond – Attacks by Dr Joel McDurmon

[The above photo is of Dr Peter Hammond on the left, and his praise of Adolf Hitler. You’ll see what

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Hitler’s Social Revolution: How Hitler helped common workers by General Leon Degrelle (Waffen SS)

[Hitler is the most lied about white man who ever walked the face of this earth. Here is a short

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Jew Epstein pedophile scandal: Prince Andrew at risk once more as new court case begins

[The above pic is of the Jewish paedophile, Epstein. This is a very rare instance where a Jew is caught

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13 Pics: WW2: VERY BRAVE WHITE WOMAN: Eva Hitler’s last letter: This is the time to die – Shed no tears over our deaths!

The photo I cropped above is one of the nicest photos of her. I think that is a nice photo

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