The REAL PROBLEM with the massive Jewish-induced Corona Virus Panic


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Naked Communist (1958)
This is a classic book. Cleon Skousen worked for the FBI. At a point in his life he began following the trail of communism in America. To his utter horror, he discovered that it led to businessmen and the wealthy.

The real problem during a panic such as this is the following: While people are running around like chickens with their heads chopped off, the real trick is going on behind the scenes. We do not know what the real issue is that the Jews are taking advantage of.

Thus in the panic everyone focuses on the apparent threat and solutions, meanwhile, behind the scenes, what the Jews are actually doing is going unnoticed and it may be years before we find out what the bloody hell is actually going down.

Jews are behind this. But again and again, the question is what are they aiming for by inducing this panic.

The measures taken against the panic seem to be more extreme than what the virus could cause.

It appears, if the global figures are true, that the virus is killing 3.8% of the population. But even the Brits have said this will have run its course by next summer.

It is the stuff going on behind the scenes and at very high levels that is really the thing we should be concerned with.

There is unquestionably an agenda behind this.

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This is the first time that someone has produced a comprehensive book showing the horror of what is happening to Whites in South Africa. It even includes some really nasty, raw crime scene photos of attacks on Whites, especially the farmers. This is the most comprehensive report I have ever seen regarding what is happening to Whites in S. Africa.

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