S.Africa: IMPORTANT: Election 2024: A Jewish Victory? – ANC and Jewish DA are in the GNU together


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[The Black Jew Cyril Ramaphosa is the President again and the Jewish DA, is actually working with the ANC in the Government of National Unity. A LOT of Blacks will NOT like this. This will have big implications. Keep watching Jacob Zuma! Keep watching him! Jan]

The ANC has formulated a draft document which outlines the key principles of the Government of National Unity, which includes sharing positions according to the proportionality of the electoral outcomes while seeking to professionalise the public sector.

While the Government of National Unity has not yet been concluded, the ANC has already set out basic principles for those looking to be a part of the agreement. This includes taking the bold step to introduce merit-based appointments.

In a letter sent to negotiators involved in GNU talks, signed by the ANC Secretary General Fikile Mbalula, it outlines that they want a “professional, merit-based, non-partisan, developmental public service that puts people first.”

This could pose a threat to the much-contested cadre deployment system of the party. The letter further explains how positions will be shared between partners.

“The Government of National Unity shall be constituted in a manner that reflects broadly the proportionality of the electoral outcomes, the allocation of seats in the National Assembly and the national interest…Building state capacity and creating a professional, merit-based, corruption-free and developmental public service. Restructuring and improving state-owned entities to meet national development goals,” it reads.

The letter dated 13 June looks at the foundational principles of the pact along with a basic minimum programme of priorities as well as modalities of the agreement.

The document outlines 10 fundamental principles for the GNU which includes Respect for the Constitution, Bill of Rights in its entirety, and the rule of law.

It highlights a need to endorse a non-racial and non-sexist society which is peaceful and safe for women and children.

While integrity, good governance and accountability leadership is expected from all GNU partners

“The GNU is constituted in the interest of all South Africans. This Statement of Intent will therefore be a public document to ensure accountability and foster trust between the electorate and the political parties that form part of the GNU,” it reads.

GNU programme of priorities includes fighting against tribalism
The ANC has suggested that signatories of the GNU have 9 key priority areas which will be discussed at a national dialogue with parties, civil society, labour, business and other sectors.

“The national dialogue process will seek to develop a national social compact that enables the country to meet the aspirations of the National Development Plan. The parties to the GNU shall have a period of six weeks from the formation of the GNU to develop an agreed policy agenda, which shall include policy priorities and policy compromises,” it reads.

The agreement looks at strengthening local government, achieving rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and undertaking common programmes against racism, sexism, tribalism and other forms of intolerance.

The ANC proposes a strong push towards strengthening law enforcement agencies to address crime, corruption and gender-based violence, as well as building national security capabilities.

The foreign policy proposal for the pact is expected to be based on human rights, constitutionalism, the national interest, solidarity, and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Modalities of the GNU pact
The ANC suggests that decisions in the GNU be made through a consensus and that all parties are given the opportunity to express their views. Parties involved in the GNU are also expected to establish dispute resolution or deadlock-breaking mechanisms.

“This GNU Statement of Intent and Modalities may guide approaches to provincial government in the interests of effective, stable and responsive governance which meets the needs of the people in a province.

“Parties to this agreement will form a GNU Political Council that will be responsible for Consultations and monitoring progress on the minimum programme of the Government of National Unity, and alignment of the 7th administration’s programme, its resourcing and implementation Mechanisms,” it reads.

So far the IFP has confirmed that it will be part of the GNU, while the DA had not made a firm decision as proceedings in the National Assembly began at 10am. The NFP has agreed to work with the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal which could see the IFP’s Thami Ntuli as the premier of the province. DM

Source: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2024-06-14-gnu-pie-will-be-divided-by-vote-share-no-cadre-deployment-says-draft-anc-document/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=first_thing

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