Why is Jew-infested Argentina in financial meltdown? Central Bank interest 60%


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Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.

[When I was doing videos about the Pope being a crypto-Jew, I discovered that Argentina has a MASSIVE JEWISH INFESTATION. Jews are always flocking to countries built up by hard-working whites, and Argentina is such a country. But I never realised what a massive infestation it was until then. There are 300,000 Jew scum in Argentina. That’s more than the 180,000 Jewish scum in Apartheid South Africa.

Argentina seems to be suffering from immense “financial problems”, including a totally collapsing currency and Argentinians are trying by all means to get the money OUT of their country.

Their Central bank has hiked up interest rates up to a staggering 60%.

What are the Jewish scum up to in Argentina? That’s the most important question on my mind.

I see they had a president in Argentina, a woman with the surname Kirchner, which almost has a Jewish ring to it. I see that there was some kind of “scandal” (real or imagined), about blowing up 85 Jews in Buenos Aires and she “covered it up”. There’s a lot I do NOT know about Argentina. But all in all, there seems to be some kind of weird Jewish activity going on there … exactly what it is we’ll have to keep our eyes open on this one. Jan]

Argentina’s Central Bank on Thursday increased its benchmark interest rate to 60 per cent — the world’s highest — in an effort to halt a sharp slide in the value of the peso, which plunged to a record low.

The peso fell more than 13 per cent against the U.S. dollar on Thursday, closing at an all-time low of 39.2 per greenback, after slipping about seven per cent the day before.

The Central Bank said in a statement that it was hiking its benchmark interest rate by 15 percentage points to 60 per cent in response to the currency problems and the risk of greater impact on local inflation, which is already running at about 30 per cent a year.

Crisis of confidence

The tumult in the exchange market came a day after President Mauricio Macri said he was asking for an early release of some International Monetary Fund (IMF) funds under an $50 billion US backup financing arrangement approved earlier.

Some experts said the announcement, combined with the interest rate hike, had the unintended effect of fuelling the crisis of confidence.

“I think today’s interest hike announcement will do nothing but leave investors even more jittery,” said Monica de Bolle, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

“I’m finding it difficult to understand why, after yesterday’s announcement about front-loading more of the IMF funding, the government thought the hike was warranted. Hyperactivity starts to look like desperation,” she said.

Macri has struggled to calm markets and bring confidence to Argentines who continue to lose purchasing power. Many are frustrated with layoffs, higher utility rates and a rise in poverty levels.

Many also have bad memories of the IMF and blame its free-market economic policies for contributing to the country’s worst crisis in 2001-02, when one of every five Argentines went unemployed and millions fell into poverty.

‘You can’t live like this’

While journalists filmed screens showing the exchange rates in downtown Buenos Aires, Ruben Montiel, 55, burst out: “Macri is an embarrassment!”

“You can’t live like this. The prices of everything go up on a daily basis,” he said. “There’s no work, utility rates have gone through the roof… people are sleeping on the streets.”

Macri, a pro-business conservative who took office in 2015, had promised to trim Argentina’s fiscal deficit, reduce poverty and curb inflation. He cut red tape and tried to reduce the government’s budget deficit by ordering layoffs and cutting utility subsidies, but it triggered labour unrest.

Then in December, officials announced a rise in the inflation target, which caused investors to begin doubting Macri’s commitment to taming price rises.

Investors uneasy

Meanwhile, the peso’s slump against the U.S. dollar lured investors to pull greenbacks out of Argentina.

That caused jitters among Argentines, who have been used to stashing away dollars as a cushion since the 2001 crisis, when banks froze deposits and put up sheet-metal barricades as thousands of protesters unsuccessfully tried to withdraw their savings. Dozens died in protests and looting in December 2001 as the economy unravelled and Argentina eventually suffered a record $100 billion debt default.

“The government will need to shuffle its cabinet and strike deals with provincial governors for next year’s budget,” said Argentine economist Marcos Buscaglia.

“In the short-term, the government just needs to stop this crisis.”

Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/argentina-central-bank-interest-rates-1.4805032

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