Video & Audio: Only Jews have a direct telephone line to God and they speak to him!


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BIZARRE: Russia: Scientists to create a genetic weapon against Anglo-Saxons
This is a bizarre story from Russia. I have the link to the original Moscow Times article in Russian which you are welcome to translate. I have published the translation as well as the original text. Now you will see the crazy type of stuff Russians publish in Russia.

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

At first you might think this is really just about religion, but in fact, this discussion is not about religion. This is a discussion about other things. Ben Klassen noticed something about in the Bible that nobody else seems to have noticed. We take a good look at things Jews have claimed in modern times.

Here are other related videos I have done:

o Video & Audio: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere! –

o Video & Audio: Human Evolution: What are Jews and why they are VERY DANGEROUS! –

o JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying –

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Video: WW2: Waffen SS: We Dreamed of something MARVELLOUS
If all Whites understood what Hitler was trying to do, ALL Whites, everywhere would all have become NAZIS! In this video we take a look at the Belgian Leon Degrelle who became a NAZI and later an officer in the Waffen SS.

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