Video: WW3? British Supreme Commander warned: Ukraine War will be as bad as WW2

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Video: A Quick Lesson: What Whites really do to Jews in Pogroms and Holocausts
Ive looked at lots of literature over the years where the Jews claim Whites are slaughtering them. They cite pogroms as a nasty feature of their past. And then some pogroms are then called holocausts. But what exactly really happens? Is there any evidence of what exactly transpires between Whites and Jews?

[The British have a lot invested in this Ukraine War. If you watch the British closely they're almost more fervent about this war than the Americans. Listen to what these Brits claim Sir Richard Shirreff said on their show. I see he was born in Kenya, in Africa, under British colonialism. He's saying that "we" have to be prepared for war with Russia". So what did these Brits at the top know from the beginning? I did mention months ago that it is clear that the military/intelligence Whites in America were talking about ousting Putin. It seems we're back to that game. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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