Rhodesia: Whites on Farms: Blacks lighting Fires – The Danger of Fires – No 911, No Fire Engines – You’re on your own!

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Video & Audio: S.Africas 2nd Last (Boer) President: PW Bothas Last Public Interview (2006)
PW Botha is a Boer who became the 2nd last President under Apartheid. He was the man most responsible for the immense, first class military force known as the SADF. The SADF was the most powerful military force in all of Africa.

[An American farmer was telling me about a nasty fire that nearly burned down his house. So I told him some Rhodesian stuff. Jan]

The farmer wrote:

>About two months ago, we had a huge fire that took out almost 80% of our land.
>We very nearly lost our home, too.
>I was away for work when this happened and my family had to be evacuated.
>It was a big scare but we learned a lot from the experience.

I replied:
Thank God for White American efficiency!! I know about fires. And we had BLACKS starting most of our fires. Blacks actually burned out my dad’s pickup truck once! The whole freaking thing was on fire. They were smoking cigarettes and tossed it in the back while my dad was driving. The Blacks jumped out when he slowed down. So he did not know there was a fire at the back until he stopped by the house! His entire pickup truck was on fire and he did not know it was in the back. I saw as my dad arrived at home. He had to jump out and his whole vehicle burned to a cinder. Once a Black nearly set our kitchen on fire. She left the iron on. It was on an ironing table. Late in the night I woke up and I looked down the passage in our old big house and I saw weird reflections coming from the kitchen. I went back to bed, but it bothered me, so I got up and looked again. Then I went to my Mom and Dad’s bedroom and woke them. We thought maybe Black criminals were in the house. When my Dad got to the kitchen the whole freaking ironing table was on fire. Luckily it wasn’t near curtains.

We had an English family as neighbours, across the river. They, like some dumb Whites, had a thatched roof house. A big house with a thatch roof. This is the merging of White Technology and Black Stone age technology. A few Whites in South Africa also do this. This is a VERY DUMB THING TO DO. We’re out on farms. Unlike the USA, there is no fire service, no 911. When your house catches fire you have to fight the fire. It’s that simple. That beautiful house burned to the ground. Only the brick walls stood. The White English family had to flee out of the house and grab what furniture they could save.

We did not even have high pressure hoses on our farms. Our water was gravity fed. It was only if you had some irrigation and could put on a pump that you could get water under pressure. So to even spray water on your roof was impossible unless you had an irrigation pump. So when there’s a fire – you’re on your own. We had to run around fighting fires ourselves.

Fires are no joke on a farm. Recently, some of our Black army DIED in a fire! But that’s because they were DRUNK and ASLEEP in a tent!

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Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
About ten or so years ago, my best Jewish friend one day told me that a very important black man has converted to Judaism but he refused to tell me the black mans name. This topic came up more than once, and he repeated this. Each time I asked him for the black mans name but he refused to give it to me. In this video, we look very closely at the extremely, uncomfortably close relationship between the President of South Africa and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, the top Jew, in charge of the Jews.

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