Quote – Sun Tzu “the art of war”
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A Good Christian Website that exposes Jews, their Lies and Crimes
There is a lot of stuff on here. It‘s a good source.
A Good Christian Website that exposes Jews, their Lies and Crimes
There is a lot of stuff on here. It‘s a good source.
[I'm not a big fan of Sun Tzu. I think the Jews love him. but there are some truths he says. Though the white man knows this and more. This quote is relevant. Jan]
“To defeat your enemies, you must convince them (psychologically) that they have already lost.” – Sun Tzu “the art of war”
Our enemies know this very well, that is why (((they))) took control of the main stream media very quickly, once they bribed their way in here! – dj
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2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.
2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.