My trip to USA & Canada: Why I believe ALL WHITES can be saved from Jews…
The amount of derivatives is several times more than the enormous debt of the US Government. The fake money created by the Bankers makes the US Government Debt look like nothing.
[This is an excerpt from a message to a very solid supporter of mine. I will be in a position where I will be producing a lot more content, including videos and audios next year. Jan]
I’m finally getting into a better position to start CREATING videos and audios seriously again on a bit scale. Many of my things are in place. I have various problems and issues – but I’ve got over a lot of stuff. I even now have a bitchute channel. Someone helped me.
re: Speaking to normies.
This is a genius idea. Did you ever see any part of my lecture 50 years of race war in southern Africa? This is my biggest thing I did this year and I’ve kept it very much under wraps. I want to release it as a proper DVD people pay for. It is the one thing I’ve done that I want people to pay for. The most important thing I’ve done since I wrote my book. It blew people’s minds. Its a lecture I will always happily give everywhere. So it might apply to your normies issue.
I have been thinking about Christians and non-Christians in the white right. I have a particular idea, where I want to discuss this topic. But at the heart of it I’ve been pondering non-christian normies, who become liberals. I think there is something very wrong with the white right that we are NOT converting normies who are NON-CHRISTIAN LIBERALS to our views. We should be able to convert them in vast amounts – so why are we failing? We have mostly christians in the movement. So why are we not winning with the non-christians? I can handle christians easily. The christians here even allow me to post my views in instances where I actually go against christianity. And that level of tolerance is excellent. It is working. They listen to me, and I’m finally growing an actual on-the-ground following here. My stuff is spreading here like never before.
Returning to your idea. I would welcome the chance to speak to Americans face to face because I think with my unique knowledge of Rhodesia and Zimbabwe that I can show people things they’ve never seen. I can answer any question.
In fact, I have info and stuff about whites and blacks as they tried to stick together in Zimbabwe, that NOBODY HAS. I want to show people critical stuff … about multiracial situations and why whites in Africa just find it unthinkable to do what America is doing. Furthermore, I think America is making huge, bad decisions which will later cause enormous problems. I think ultimately Jewish/Liberal multiculturalism will destroy America. I think Europe will arise again and I want to see that.
I’ve got TONS OF IDEAS for things I want to tell whites here and also overseas, like the USA. There is so much to tell. Over here, I communicate directly and people are listening to me like never before. I have told them things I learned from my trip. BUT I SEE MANY PROBLEMS IN THE USA AND CANADA. Things you people must learn.
For example, one of the biggest problems and a HUGE WEAKNESS among whites is White Flight. It is dreadful. It is the weakest thing I’ve ever come across. I am also of the view that black success in the USA is totally faked. Your blacks are every bit as dysfunctional and fucked up as ours. Their IQ cannot be higher than the IQ in africa. No way.
But Liberals are destroying your people. They’re lying to you about the future and therein is where I have unique knowledge. We’ve worked with blacks like nobody on the planet. We know and have experimented with these people in every conceivable way. Good news is that Jews are also failing with the blacks.
But in general I’m extremely positive. My trip left me extremely positive.
If we could get to normies and find ways to convert them, that would be like an atomic bomb. I gave whites in America and Canada various messages face to face, and I really feel that I raised their morale and hopes. I had a particularly fascinating incident in Canada with a very angry Canadian. And I fixed that man.
I would be happy to give American normies a full on try. I’m convinced I can tell them stuff they’ve never heard before.
When I returned from the USA and Canada, I was totally convinced that the ONLY REASON why whites are Liberal in North America and Europe is because they’re lied to all the time. That in any sane white-on-white discussion, we would soon agree. I loved the Canadians I found who were woken up. They were awesome. Ditto for Americans.
Whites do NOT have a PROBLEM or a weakness in their heads. All whites are fine. They are just lied to EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES. That’s all. ALL WHITES CAN BE SAVED. ALL – without exception. They just need some knowledge.
Take care,
On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 4:47 PM Anna Matkovic <crorunner33> wrote:
Wish you could come and speak, straight talk, no bullshit or skirting around the truth. That’s what I like about you.
Give me your bank details. I will do a transfer. We should have a conversation to have you come here and speak to the normies who are close to understanding that need to be brought over.
Shame I didn’t get to meet up with u when u were here. ?
Video: Dion Wehrwolf & Jan discuss Rockwell the great American NAZI & that he was killed by the Jews
Dion and I discuss the latest information I had on Rockwell after my research into his past and the people Ive spoken to who knew him. We also discuss whether whites want to win and what mindset they need to have in order to win.