Chart of Antisemitic Incidents in the USA: 2011-2020 – My Comments

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VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.

[This is what the Jewish scum ADL have compiled. It is also overblown nonsense. If someone curses a Jew or says something then it counts as antisemitism. The screeching cry babies moan about everything. This really amounts to nothing actually, given the whole of the USA. There are 6 million or so Jewish scum living in America. So if you look at this paltry little list and realise that there are 6 million scum in the country, then this has ZERO MEANING. ZERO. You can’t compare this to, say crimes in South Africa per White person. This is nothing. But the Jewish scum publish charts and even have their own personal Jewish hag, Lipstadt in the Senate to discuss this mythical “problem”. What a lot of nonsense this is. Jan]

Here’s the worthless chart which really should show you how GOOD these Jews have it:



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S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.

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