Pic: VERY IMPORTANT: New York: Jews are faking CoronaVirus deaths in hospitals…

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S.Africa: Black man caught having sex with calf
Blacks catching another black ... in the act

[Alex Linder found this critically important one. Just as I suspected, colds, flu, pneumonia, etc is being touted as “corona virus deaths”. I’m busy investigating why the US and UK Govts changed their corona virus strategy to these incredible lockdowns which will destroy the economies. 1 million small UK businesses are about to go bankrupt! There are going to be whites who will lose their jobs and businesses who will commit suicide I tell you. Jan]

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White Shop: Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual Paperback
The Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual is a significant historical look at the small unit tactics employed by this elite unit during the Rhodesian Bush War. Not only is it a glimpse back at how the unit operated, but a lot of the material is still relevant today for units fighting counter-insurgencies. This book covers tactical follow-ups, ambush tactics, infiltration methods and combat tracking and more!

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