Jews putting pressure on Germany to ban Hezbollah – Germans not complying fully


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Video: God said: Exterminate the Blacks: The Harry Knoesen Story S.Africa
Lots of Whites say that Christians will never fight. Here is a story unlike any other. This is the strange story of the CRUSADERS, the (NCRM) National Christian Resistance Movement of South Africa. This was a Christian Racialist who had former SADF special forces, Recces with him. They wanted to seize back South Africa for WHITES! This took place in 2018 and 2019. We study what Harry did and the many strange twists and turns in this strange story.

[We can observe the strength of the Jews and Germans by seeing what is happening in this situation. The Germans are partly complying. But, the USA, UK and Netherlands have a full ban. So the Germans therefore, are NOT 100% under full Jewish control. This is good. This shows that there is hope. Jan]

On Thursday, Spiegel reported that the German federal government is planning a ban on the complete operation of the Lebanese terrorist militia Hezbollah. According to Spiegel, based on government leaks, the German Foreign Ministry, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice agreed on this total ban last week, and a final decision could be announced next week at the Innenministerkonferenz (a conference where interior ministers from 16 German states meet to debate policy).

News agency dpa reported that Germany was close to announcing a ban on Hezbollah’s activities, which would then allow banning some activities and individuals, but would not constitute a total ban.

Then Deutsche Welle on Thursday cited an Interior Ministry spokesman who denied that an outright ban of Hezbollah by Germany was coming any time soon.

According to Reuters, Germany’s attorney general was given full power of attorney to investigate Hezbollah’s activities, political and terrorist, without an official decision to ban both.

US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell / United States Mission Geneva
In September, US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell demanded the German government ban Hezbollah completely, saying that the Lebanese paramilitary party also sponsors terrorism and anti-Semitism. In an op-ed he published in Die Welt, Grenell called Hezbollah Iran’s “most-violent terrorist representatives,” who have “murdered innocent people” for 37 years.

In 2013, the EU banned the military arm of Hezbollah. But in many EU countries, including Germany, the political arm of the terror group is still legitimized.

The UK and the Netherlands have banned Hezbollah in its entirety, categorizing it as a terrorist organization, as have the United States and Canada.

In his op-ed piece, Grenell stressed that Hezbollah itself does not say it is made up of two separate entities: “The EU maintains an artificial differentiation between the military and political arm of Hezbollah,” the ambassador said.

Hezbollah calls itself “The Resistance,” it is funded mainly by Iran as a Shiite militia, and has engaged in guerrilla and terrorism against Israel as well as inside Lebanon and Syria. The ultimate purpose of its so-called political echelon is to turn the multi-ethnic Lebanon into a Shiite state.


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Jews by Hilaire Belloc (1922)
This is one of the greatest analyses of the Jews that has ever been done. This book was published in 1922.Hilaire Belloc was a very prolific French writer and thinker. A wonderful aspect of this book is that it contains information about the Jews and their hideous deeds (e.g. in Russia) which Jews have tried very hard to completely remove from history. When you read this book you will realise that in 100 years, absolutely nothing has changed. He also hints at the Jews being behind the ‘South African War‘ (i.e. The 2nd Anglo Boer War).

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