Hear Paul Fromm & Kenn Gividen on “the Ethnostate”: Transman & Other Weirdness


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Video & Audio: S.Africas 2nd Last (Boer) President: PW Bothas Last Public Interview (2006)
PW Botha is a Boer who became the 2nd last President under Apartheid. He was the man most responsible for the immense, first class military force known as the SADF. The SADF was the most powerful military force in all of Africa.


Far-left doubles down on gender confusion

Leftists lose it after Nugent says shoot rabid coyotes on sight

Brimelow sues NY Times over apparent racial slur

Student avoids jail after shouting n word

Glaciers will be gone by 2020 signs remain in 2020

Brazil: 2 million signed petition protesting gay Jesus show on Netflix

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Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
This is part 1 of the 6 part series I did on The Great Jewish Mask.

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