From Paul Fromm in Canada: UPDATE ON ADAMSON BARBECUE LEGAL DEFENCE FUND: As of December13, $334, 550 Raised


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Video: How Rhodesia & South Africa killed 1 million+ Blacks after Portuguese Collapse
This is the story of something that the Rhodesians kicked off in desperation after the Portuguese had collapsed. Its effect lasted decades and huge numbers of Blacks died and it had massive effects on a Black nation. In this video I also discuss many deeper things including my discussions with President PW Botha.

[This is from Paul Fromm in Canada. Jan]


Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund
Barry posted a new update to Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund

13, 2020 Alright, alright.

Enough of you have said that you don’t want me to take this GoFundMe campaign down on December 19.

You told me that you want to give monthly, or weekly.

And you said that the ongoing success of this campaign stands as a daily reminder to the political class that we’ve all had enough.

Well, there is one more valid reason to keep this campaign active.

Adam’s counsel called me yesterday informing me that bylaw officers and government officials have made it their mission in life to attend each of Adam’s locations every single day in an effort to find something legitimate to complain about and exhaust his financial resources.

That’s right.

Rather than respond to your support with an effort to understand the needs of small business, the Tory and Ford governments have started to use the power of your tax dollars to crush the one small business person who is out there taking a stand.

So yes, I will keep this campaign active.

Even better, I have raised the stretch target to $500,000.

And Adam’s attorney assures me that every single dollar raised is going straight into a Trust account to fight this asymmetric COVID regime.

Our effort has been described as a “David & Goliath battle” by the national press.

Well, we all know who won that fight.

So let’s keep this campaign running.

Let’s commit today to a monthly donation of $20, $10, $5 or whatever you can afford.

If each one of you contributes just $20 per month, this campaign grows by $126,000 per month.

If each one of you contributes just $10 per month, this campaign grows by $68,000 per month.

And if each one of you contributes just $5 per month, this campaign grows by $34,000 per month!

No donation is too small.

Even better, those monthly donations keep this effort at the top of GoFundMe’s “popular campaigns” page, maximizing our international reach and reminding our politicians that we’re not going away.

For those of you who prefer to pay via PayPal, we will be opening an account for that purpose.

So please, do not set this letter aside.

Let’s keep this issue front and centre in the public mind.

And let’s refuse to let Big Government use our own money to steamroller the voice of small business.

Thank you so much.

by Barry McNamar, Organizer

Amidst the slough of politicians, media and citizen fear mongers supporting irrational COVID “public health orders” that shut down small businesses while allowing corporate big-box stores to remain open… one small business is standing up for the rights of the “little guys” like you and me to get out and earn a living too.

Ontario’s Adamson BBQ has been opening every day to serve people lunch. And owner Adam Skelly is paying a high price for carrying that cudgel of liberty. Over the past 24 hours he’s been hit with numerous fines totalling tens of thousands of dollars for violating unconstitutional and draconian COVID “public health orders.”

All because he refuses to let your politicians—who are out there enjoying their fat salaries that we all pay for, wag their fingers at us and tell us we don’t have a right to earn a living too. After all, “we’re all in this together” right?

I don’t know him but I do know that guys like Adam are in short supply during this overblown COVID nonsense. And he deserves our support.

So c’mon.

If we’re not going to be out there leading by example, let’s at least kick in $100, $75, $50 or whatever you can afford to help Adam fight this fight for us.

If we’re not willing to kick in a few bucks to help Adam fight for our freedoms, then maybe we don’t deserve them.

Don’t put this aside for later. Every fine, every police visit, every daily scolding by some fat cat politician is chipping away at Adam’s courage. Show him that he’s not alone.

Donate now.

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2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.

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