Renegade Exposes Canadian Jewess: Amazing Polly Folly Ain’t So Amazing – My Comments


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Video & Audio: Rockwell: ALL Whites EVERYWHERE need Political Armies Waging Political Warfare
The awesome White American man, George Lincoln Rockwell, came up with the idea that Whites needed a Balanced Political Army. In this video I chat to Robert (Mosely), an American guy I know in the movement and we discuss Rockwell as well as his ideas and what it means.

[You can check it out at the source link below. Yet another Jewish hag at work talking her Jew crap. Rebel Media in Canada is run by a Jew. Jan]

"Amazing Polly Folly" shown again on Renegade.

Renegade did a decent hit piece on the canadian jewess Amazing Polly. She is just another wing of the rebel media crowd like faith goldy, lauren southern, laura loomer, etc Read the piece posted last week here. Amazing Polly Folly

Amazing Polly Folly

I don’t know enough about the guy presenting this to know if he is legitimate, but the clips from Polly show us …


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Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.

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