Excellent: Canada: A Rare Victory for Free Speech: Manitoba medical student expelled over ‘pro-gun and pro-life’ Facebook posts wins court ruling


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[Some excellent news from Paul Fromm in Canada! Jan]

Manitoba medical student expelled over ‘pro-gun and pro-life’ Facebook posts wins court ruling

Well, here’s a rare victory for free speech and the Charter’s feeble guarantee of freedom of speech and belief. The story shows the strident Cultural Marxist forces at a major university determined to expel a student for his Facebook postings opposing abortion. " Rafael Zaki said he was expelled for his conscientious and religious beliefs. The judge said the university appeared biased in its decision. Rafael Zaki, a Coptic Orthodox student at the University of Manitoba who was supposed to graduate in 2022, posted three items on his Facebook page in February 2019. He was expelled in August 2019." (National Post, August 11, 2021) Note the rush to judgement and expulsion, despite five letters of apology written by Mr. Zaki, all of which were rejected as insincere or incomplete. Dr. Ira Ripstein, who, the judge said, served "multiple roles including investigator, prosecutor and judge" rejected the letters of apology saying it “not clear to us that you have had any change of your opinion on sensitive topics.” To save himself Mr. Zaki would have to have renounced his sincerely held religious beliefs. So much for freedom of religion or belief at the University of Manitoba.

Dr. Ripstein argued in favour of expulsion, saying that “views based on misogyny and hate cannot be accommodated or condoned by the (medical school) programme.” Thus, in the intolerant ideology of Cultural Marxism rampant in academe, opposition to abortion is "hate"

"Rafael Zaki said he was expelled for his conscientious and religious beliefs. The judge said the university appeared biased in its decision." Judge Ken Champagne "found that there was a perception of bias and the university discipline system had failed to consider Zaki’s Charter rights to freedom of expression." — Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression


Manitoba medical student expelled over ‘pro-gun and pro-life’ Facebook posts wins court ruling

Rafael Zaki said he was expelled for his conscientious and religious beliefs. The judge said the university appeared biased in its decision

Author of the article:
Tyler Dawson
Publishing date:
Aug 11, 2021 • 16 hours ago • 5 minute read •


The University of Manitoba lost its case against medical student Rafael Zaki. Photo by Brian Donogh/Winnipeg Sun/Postmedia Network

A Manitoba medical student who was expelled after failing to satisfactorily apologize for his controversial views on guns and abortion has been granted a new adjudication of his expulsion.

Rafael Zaki, a Coptic Orthodox student at the University of Manitoba who was supposed to graduate in 2022, posted three items on his Facebook page in February 2019. He was expelled in August 2019.

One year later, after losing two appeals within the university system, Zaki asked Manitoba’s Court of Queen’s Bench to review the decision made by the University Discipline Committee. Zaki said he was expelled “for holding conscientious and religious beliefs that abortion is harmful.”

The university, meanwhile, said that it must ensure professional behaviour and attitudes in order for its students to become doctors, and that Zaki was expelled for failing to reach that standard “even after numerous attempts … to assist (him) in remediating his conduct.”

Carol Crosson, Zaki’s lawyer, said the family had emigrated from Egypt because of concerns over freedom of religion.

“They came here to find freedom, and then their son went through this at the university,” Crosson said. “I’m very happy for the family that the trek to freedom has been positive in the final result.”

Two of Zaki’s Facebook posts were about the right to bear arms in the United States. The last, a lengthy essay he wrote for Sunday school, was about abortion, entitled “Refuting the ‘Final Solution’ for Undocumented Infants: A Reconciliatory Formula.”

“The posts can be characterized as pro-gun and pro-life,” Champagne wrote in his judgment.

In his essay, Zaki argued a doctor who provides an abortion — which he calls an “abortionist” — should be charged with first degree murder, and mandatory referrals to a doctor who provides abortion services constitutes “forced labour.”

Zaki’s posts received 18 anonymous complaints to the university and he was brought in for meetings with top faculty members. Zaki agreed he had written the posts and that they were unprofessional. He then made five attempts to write an apology letter regarding the posts, none of which were deemed satisfactory.

Ken Champagne, the provincial judge in the case, found that there was a perception of bias and the university discipline system had failed to consider Zaki’s Charter rights to freedom of expression.

“The decision is quashed,” Champagne wrote, calling it “incorrect and unreasonable.”

The Progress Committee had already concluded Mr. Zaki should be dismissed

Judge Champagne

After Zaki sent his second apology letter, Ripstein sent him a letter saying it was “not clear to us that you have had any change of your opinion on sensitive topics,” and that the belief of the Progress Committee — responsible for student evaluation within the college — was that Zaki should be expelled. Three more times, Zaki sent in apology drafts.

“It is hardly surprising that they were all deemed insufficient, as the Progress Committee had already concluded Mr. Zaki should be dismissed,” the judge wrote.

Ripstein did abstain from the vote on whether or not to expel Zaki, “but that hardly matters,” the judge wrote, as Ripstein and another doctor jointly wrote the decision to expel him.

“(Zaki) describes Dr. Ripstein as serving multiple roles including investigator, prosecutor and judge. That is a fair description,” the judge wrote.

When Zaki entered the appeals process, Ripstein was involved, writing a “lengthy, comprehensive and powerful written submission” to the next committee, arguing in favour of expulsion, and saying that “views based on misogyny and hate cannot be accommodated or condoned by the (medical school) program.” The committee dismissed Zaki’s appeal.

(Zaki) describes Dr. Ripstein as serving multiple roles including investigator, prosecutor and judge

Judge Champagne ruling

When the appeal went to the top committee at the university, the judge says, it “embraced the written submission of Dr. Ripstein.”

“Dr. Ripstein played a central role in the expulsion of the applicant,” the judge concluded. “Failure to examine and address his role and the reasonable apprehension of bias is a serious shortcoming.”

The judge also found that the university discipline system failed to consider Zaki’s Charter rights to freedom of expression.

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