Jewish Women: We are EXCITED about White Genocide… The BEST GENOCIDE!

[As usual Jews can do anything the hell they want and they never get into trouble. Someone published this on

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Alex Linder: South Africa: Where Apes Rule Men – Trump Takes Note of Farm Thefts

[A Reader recently asked what happened to this post because he could not find it. This was originally posted on

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Democrat scum: No Whites need apply – Purge of Whites to make way for non-White – My Analysis

[I hope this opens the eyes of more whites. The “Liberals” who are Democrats are just communists. The Republicans for

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JEWS HATE THE TRUTH: David Irving’s tours to Holocaust DEATH CAMPS STOPPED! – My comments

A South African buddy of mine went with David Irving on his tour of the so-called DEATH CAMPS … you

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S.Africa: Piet Rudolph’s excellent work helping needy Boer Children – July 2019 Report

I published Piet’s monthly report in English and Afrikaans on AfricanCrisis here:

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Jan in Canada: With Paul Fromm: The Fash Bash & Boere Legion & AWB & USAF & Germans!

The above photo is of Paul and myself in Vancouver, Canada on 11 May 2019. When I went to the

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Paul Fromm – Bio

[Here is Paul Fromm’s bio. He runs CAFE in Canada. Jan] Paul Fromm Paul Fromm is the Director of the

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Good translation: 8th day of the Schaefer Trial: July 17, 2018 – The amazing Schaefer siblings…

[I’m busy with a new assistant, trying to go through the mass of backlogged emails I’ve received from people. This

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Jan is back from Canada! Successful Canadian trip – Comments from Paul Fromm

[I was in Canada for a week. It was a very hectic trip, arranged by Paul Fromm. We were so

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Jan will be in the USA next week for: THE FASH BASH – Contact details for booking

[I’ll be flying to the USA on Monday next week the 15th for The Fash Bash to which I have

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