Alfred Schaefer’s Trial: The 4th Day – Alfred’s NAZI salutes & he infuriated the Judge!

[I’m busy catching up with the events of Alfred and Monika’s trial. They are due to be sentenced in 2

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9 Cartoons: About Jews, Nazis & Brilliant NEW Holocaust shrine Cartoon!

[I spotted this one on the social media. I’ve never seen this before. Its awesome. Its a mockery of the

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10 Photos: 1941: New York protest: Americans who wanted peace with Hitler & Germany…

[I found photos of a protest that was held in New York in 1941. Look at some of the closeups

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New Netanyahu Jewish holocaust BS in the Baltic states! – Truths the Jews HIDE/IGNORE!!

[The Jewish BS surrounding their fake holocaust just gets crazier and crazier. Now we can see how the Jews must

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Good news or Bad news? Schaefer trial verdict has been postponed to 14th September

[The Barnes Review put out this short news snippet. I’ve been trying to contact Paul Fromm to get the latest

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Jewish foreknowledge of WW2 in 1937 in the USA – Document Declassified in 1989!

[Frederick Blackburn found this gem and posted it. It seems to be an ADL notice from 1937. What is in

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EXCELLENT: When my video servers are overloaded…

I’m very happy when I get warnings from my servers that indicate people are watching or downloading too many videos!!

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WW2: The Wisdom of Dr Goebbels: What he said about Jews & the Future!

[At least Dr Goebbels did have a bit of love and fun in his life. The above photo is of

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Jews Against White Supremacy hosted a walkout against gun & whites on Hitler’s Birthday in 2018!

[I missed this from earlier this year. Notice how these Jewish scum had a walkout against “gun violence” AND “white

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Jewish hatred of Whites: KEEPING WHITES DOWN aka “White Supremacy”

[The photo at the top is of White Right Wingers, Boers at the funeral of Eugene Terreblanche in 2010. You

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