The Great Englishman: Sir Oswald Mosely the Fascist discusses the Evil Mass Media

[This is a brilliant quote from Mosley. I’ve not studied him. But he was a British fascist in the days

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HORROR: Italy: Blacks cut this White girl into pieces & put her into 2 suitcases…

[This is the white girl that Luca Traini went and started shooting blacks for. Nice stuff! Look at the horror

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AWESOME: Hitler at work: White Racial NAZI hero in Italy! Spent 2 hours hunting and shooting Blacks!!

[Adolf Hitler is still working hard for our race even though he lives in Valhalla these days! We have a

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4 Pics: Shy Hitler and the beautiful girls…

I think I’ve found a photo that I’ve been looking for for years. I think this is it below. Look

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Pics: Jewish kangaroo court at Nuremberg: German NAZIs burst out laughing!! – Also: NAZIS created NASA!

This fantastic meme says something. This includes Hermann Goering for whom I have a lot of respect for his courage

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Lady Michele Renouf Detained for Five Hours & Investigated under Jewish Germany’s stupid Holocaust Laws!

[She didn’t even mention the Jews by name, nor did she say anything about the mythical 6 million Jews who

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George Lincoln Rockwell’s 100th Birthday Anniversary!

[I was a bit slow in publishing this. But the other day was his 100th birthday anniversary and I am

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IMPORTANT: List of White Heroes & Heroines in Jail in: USA, UK & Germany – A New Italian NAZI hero: Luca Traini!!

[This is the definition of a hero: A hero or heroine is a person or main character of a literary

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WW2: DRESDEN 1945: Right to the VERY END, Germans were dishing out incredible beatings to the British RAF! – Schräge Musik & Scarecrow Shells!

Those German super-men were busy dishing out beatings to their enemies as overwhelmed as they were from all sides on

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Jewish hell in Scotland: White man on trial for teaching a Puppy the NAZI salute!

[This is the nightmare of thought crimes. The Clintons introduced it to the USA. But in Scotland look at what

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