Exclusive: AI Just Controlled a Military Plane for the First Time Ever – My Comments

[There is much ago about AI in warfare. But in many respects AI has already been appearing in war even

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Poll: 72% of Republicans See Trump As Model for Party’s Future – My Comments

[This is very fascinating. I had not expected this. This does show that Trump is a very powerful influence on

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Poll: Voters Think China’s Influence Will Grow Under Biden

Many U.S. voters suspect China interfered in our recent elections and believe Chinese influence here will grow with Joe Biden

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[This is not long. But this is fascinating. Jan] It’s here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jd1MPrYc6SSs/

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Jim and Diane Present – LETTER FROM ALFRED (Brother) TO MONIKA SCHAEFER (Sister), Dec 27, 2020

[Very sad stuff, to think Alfred got several years in jail merely for defending himself against the ridiculous Jewish lies.

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Prague (Czech Republic) newspaper quote: A European Viewpoint of US election result

[This was doing the rounds among some Americans I know. At the end of the day, we are looking at

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S.Africa: Groups of Non-Whites fight each other & kill each other: 7 dead – Army & Police called in – My Comments

[The SANDF is the army. I'm not sure what the cause of this was, but it is the first time

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Video: White Hating Communist Julius Malema in trouble: Afriforum and Solidarity lay charges against EFF

[The White Liberal comments below refer to Malema as a "fascist" but he's not a fascist. As usual White Liberals

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S.Africa: Hennenman farm attack: Farmer’s son, 26, dies after succumbing to injuries

I can’t post the test of this story. You’ll have to read it here. Source: https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/hennenman-farm-attack-farmers-son-26-dies-after-succumbing-to-injuries-20201112

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Nashville Bombing: AT&T got a contract to do forensic audit on Dominion voting machines – My Comments

[I don't know how true this is, but this is an email that was doing the rounds among Americans I

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