Africa: Shocking! Kenyan doctor performs brain surgery on wrong patient & other black madness!

[Whites in Africa have a saying: AWA – Africa Wins Again! That’s when stupidity triumphs. In this article are several

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S.Africa: Is Julius Malema behind Farm murders? – Did he confess to murdering Farmers?

[The website link below has a story where they claim that Malema confessed that he is behind farm murders. When

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Why was the USA doing “Peace Keeping” exercises in South Africa last year? Is it good?

[Underneath all this (((Liberal))), (((Elite)), Jewish nonsense is something one cannot trust. All this “peace-keeping” that is going on worldwide

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Science: You Might Be Slightly Conscious Under Anesthesia!

[Notice the precision of our race and the levels of detail they dig into. This is a topic we will

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India: Doctor performs leg surgery on a wrong patient!!

[I’m sure this and a lot worse happens a lot in Africa. I stumbled on this one while looking for

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About Jan’s South African Race War Series: The Whites’ Last Stand

I had requests from people to continue with my race war series. I did 3 videos about it, but the

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Don’t forget White Hero: Matt Hale’s birthday on 27th! Please send him a card!

[“Michael Wittman” a great guy on Twitter sent this message reminding whites about Matt Hale being in jail. So many

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What is the total White Population of Africa now? – White Population distribution map for Africa

[I’ve been looking at the population of whites across the world, just wondering where our race actually is and its

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Lots of Whites in South America: Buying White Privilege in S.America! – The Coloured Continent

[South America is a fascinating and strange continent where an experiment unlike any other has been conducted. South America is

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The Jews: God, Natural Law & Priests: The Jewish Modus Operandi in a nutshell

[Bob in DC wrote this. He’s been studying the Jewish problem for very long. Take special note at the bottom

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