Haiti: The most vicious Black Vs White Race war in history: All Whites wiped out – more than once!

[If ever there was a lesson about the blacks then Haiti is all you need to study. They have been

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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: Early Christians, Hitler, Napoleon & Global White Revolution

Tom and I begin by discussing the latest on Trump and the Jews and how the Jews are stabbing Trump

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A New Jewish Trick (lie): Claiming to be leaving the UK, over and over again…

[This story was doing the rounds on the social media. I sent it to Alison Chabloz in the UK saying:

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Alison Chabloz — ‘I Have Received Death Threats’

This article from Lasha Darkmoon is important. It also ties up with the was the lawyer for a Jewess told

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Twitter: The Lawyer for a Jew repeatedly told Alison Chabloz: JUST DIE!!!

[Alison and I were discussing Jews who claim to be leaving the UK. Then Alison sent me this screen shot

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Quotes from Napoleon about: Women, Love, Ambition, (White?) Revolution & Newspapers

[Here are some quotes from Napoleon. The quote I like a lot is the one about Revolution! We whites need

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A Quote from Napoleon that is especially true for Whites in Africa!

[This quote from Napoleon is especially true for the whites in Africa where, thanks to Affirmative Action and the 130+

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Sovereign State of Good Hope: Letter of Eviction to the South African Govt & PDF information file

I am busy liaising with the various people involved in this. In the meantime, the letter of eviction and all

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African Mathematics, from a Nigerian Professor…

[What the hell do we whites know hey? Look at what we can learn from the blacks, as taught by

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S.Africa: Beautiful White woman stabbed to death in front of her 1 month old baby

[On the social media Ann Kelly in the USA, who does great work for our race posted this. The photo

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