Video & Audio: BB9 & Jan: Jews argue to WIN, Tunnels, TRS, NJP, Professor discusses Covid, Balkanizing the Middle East


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We discuss Jews and also White South Africans and their lack of knowledge about Jews.

In this show I talk to Black Bird 9 and to the Hill Billy Professor. The Hill Billy Professor was the person I turned to for information on COVID and how dangerous COVID might be. His predictions turned out to be correct.

We discuss many, varied topics including the importance of PUSH BACK by Whites.

BB9 explains why Sheriffs and Medical Examiners are the most important people that White Americans must vote for.

We discuss TRS – The Right Stuff of Mike Enoch and the collapse of the National Justice Party. The Hill Billy Professor talks about scientists being able to increase the IQ of people. All 3 of us are farm boys and we discuss the realities of life that rural Whites and Farmers are very aware of.

The links to BB9’s work:

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