Video: Science: Humans come from Europe NOT from Africa


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Video: A Survival tip for Whites: The Shoe Shine Boy, Jews and Blacks
The lessons in this video can help all Whites, everywhere. The 1929 Stock Market Crash wiped out lots of people including very wealthy people. But in this this video we take a look at some of the rare White men who profited from the 1929 Stock Market Crash.

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Scientists have made a major discovery in Greece and Bulgaria which could turn the “Out of Africa” theory of the evolution of mankind on its head. They found remains which are dated older than anything yet found in Africa.

The original source article I read from:

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Video & Audio: Whites: Strategy Versus Tactics
This is a very important video. When you understand this, you‘ll grasp how Whites survive even when they don‘t have a plan! And why we always stand a chance against racial enemies.

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