World Jewish Congress is behind Amazon’s mass book banning


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Carolyn Yeager published this interesting article which shows that the World Jewish Congress is behind the mass banning of holocaust books by Amazon. Upon closer examination you’ll see the Jews lied about banning 3 books when in fact the banning was massive, unprecedented in fact!

THIS IS THE STATEMENT RELEASED THURSDAY by World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer praising the banning of an entire category of historical revisionist books by CEO Jeff Bezos. As you will see, Jews do believe (and want us to believe) that Jewish interests come before the interests of all others – especially the interests of the “notorious bigots of our time,” those White European-Americans who want to study and correct inaccuracies in the official historical narrative.

You can read the rest of Carolyn’s article here

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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
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