Whites in America and Europe need to learn from Whites in Africa: Black Plague is coming to your DOORSTEP


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Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 3 of 3
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.

[This is from a discussion with a White in America who was saying he sees why learning African history is so relevant. Jan]

I wrote:
It’s becoming more relevant because AFRICA (Black Africa) is coming to an American, European or British town or city near you!!! All the Black African nonsense is coming to your doorsteps … it might even cause injury, theft or death in your life. There is a mountain of stuff you can learn from our experiences. Stick around, I’ll show you some of the stuff we got up to in Africa. We punched way above our weight level. The exact reasons for our downfall are complex – especially for South Africa. South Africa is a complex topic. You need to see some of the things that went on. But for a tiny tribes of whites that were facing super powers and vast numbers of Blacks – we didn’t do bad. Blacks are bad news. Like Jews, they’re gonna bring you pain. But Jews ultimately are the huge nightmare and they use Blacks and anything else against Whites. They paid the Muslims to conquer Spain and then they kept is under their thumb for 700 years. I suspect they are trying something similar with America and the West now. Jews are DANGEROUS. Blacks are easy to deal with, if we can just deal with them like we dealt with normal enemies. Jews and all the Jew/Liberal/Morality crap is standing in our way.

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Get a Free PDF Book: RAHOWA! This Planet is OURS! By Ben Klassen
RAHOWA means: ‘Racial Holy War‘. Ben Klassen in America invented that term.Ben Klassen is a brilliant German-American who began to worry about the future of White people in the 1960s. He is also the author of The White Man‘s Bible.

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