Whites: Embrace the chaos the Jews have created … its the best opportunity…


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Video & Audio: S.Africas 2nd Last (Boer) President: PW Bothas Last Public Interview (2006)
PW Botha is a Boer who became the 2nd last President under Apartheid. He was the man most responsible for the immense, first class military force known as the SADF. The SADF was the most powerful military force in all of Africa.

In a discussion on gab, one of my supporters wrote:

If you read my conversation with Jan, you will see that the technocratic slave state dreamed of by the synagogue of satan, cannot work in a low IQ multi-cultural society. There are too many broken points. There is an inability in the populace, given their low IQ, to actualize the shape of the state desired by the fantasies of the technocratic leadership.

Who will maintain the power grid’s viability, let alone the compliance drones? Massive pilfering of goods and redirection of resources is the order of the day in brown societies, as is direct criminality like truck hijackings or stripping of railway tracks. Random acts of ultraviolence are the order of the day. Then you have opportunity as an oppressed populace, to have authorities look the other way for a small fee.

Jews currently live in symbiosis with the White population who keep order. Once you take Whites out of the equation, that’s the end of that all the things that jews thrive on as a parasite. No more rigging the markets. No more coasting as paper pushers in air conditioned offices.

At this point in the lifecycle of the jew infestation, as daily life loses it’s White generated niceties, jews generally flee to greener pastures. Whites, stoic and hard working once freed, can begin the Reconquista.

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Video & Audio: How to think like a Genius Napoleons advice
Many Whites seem to be confused regarding skill and excellence. I look at some discussions Napoleon had in his final days regarding what exactly constitutes genius. We also look at a NAZI SS genius scientist, Werner Von Braun as proof of a man who achieved the impossible.

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